Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Last Updated: August 22nd 2022

globe at newman


To be a student-centred university rooted in the community providing a formative education informed by the Catholic ethos.

Catholic Ethos

The Catholic ethos means that:

  • we proudly stand in the tradition of Catholic education that values the process of respectful dialogue as a means of reaching new knowledge through teaching, scholarship and research
  • we aim to respect and encourage the individual integrity of everyone who is a part of the life of the University
  • we will strive to be an inclusive community which emphasises the Christian practice of hospitality, cherishing the diverse traditions represented at Newman University
  • we are committed to promoting the Christian virtue of justice in our neighbouring community, nationally and internationally, and to seeking external partners that support this vision
  • we place worship and reflection at the spiritual centre of our life and work
  • we work to foster a sense of vocation in students and staff, so that we are able to take responsibility for the flourishing of our world.


The Catholic ethos provides the clear underpinning of our mission. Newman University is committed to its motto ‘ex umbris in veritatem’ (out of the shadow into truth) and therefore provides high quality, accessible academic and professional education based on respect for others, social justice and equity. As a Catholic University, we seek to make a positive difference to individuals and communities through the contribution of our staff, students and graduates.

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