Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Last Updated: February 23rd 2023

Newman University is committed to continual improvement and excellence in all aspects of its undertaking, including its management of Health & Safety at work.
This policy statement reflects our approach and commitment to ensure the Health, Safety and welfare of our students while on campus, our employees (whether permanent, temporary or contract) and that of any other persons who may be affected by our activities.
The University will ensure legal compliance as a minimum, with the requirements of relevant Health & Safety legislation and strive to meet best practice set by sector and HSE approved Codes of Practice. We will address significant work-related hazards and determine the measures necessary to eliminate, reduce or control risks to an acceptable level as detailed in our range of Health & Safety Policies, Procedures and Guidance.
We will seek to continually improve our Health & Safety focus and performance in order to reduce the potential for work-related injuries, cases of occupational ill-health and/or other significant workplace Health & Safety incidents.
Everyone on our campus, or associated with us through partnerships, has a responsibility to support and co-operate with the University in fulfilling its Health and Safety obligations by not only ensuring their own Health & Safety but also that of any others who may be affected by their acts and/or omissions. The University will inform its employees of their Health & Safety responsibilities and ensure they are competent to undertake the work expected of them, including providing them with adequate Health & Safety information and appropriate training.
Our aim is to achieve ²¹Ìýculture of zero tolerance of unnecessary Health & Safety hazards and risks. To support this commitment, the University will actively engage its employees (and, as necessary, other partners) via representatives (including recognised trade unions) on our H&S Committee.
The Vice-Chancellor, actively supported by the University Council and University Leadership Team, will take all reasonable measures to ensure this policy is effectively implemented, including maintaining an appropriate documented Health & Safety management system and appointing a ‘competent person’ to provide the University with suitable Health & Safety assistance.
This policy statement will be periodically reviewed in order to ensure its continuing appropriateness to meet the managerial, operational and legal health & safety requirements of the University.
The detailed arrangements for implementing this policy are set out in the ‘Organisational Arrangements for Health & Safety’ in Newman University (H&S/PRO/002). This includes coverage of defined roles and responsibilities managed through the University’s Health & Safety Committee.

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